Sunday, April 15, 2012

Getting Started!!

Hi... My name is Iesha.  I work part-time, attend school full-time, last but not least... I am the mommy of two beautiful children.
Left: Dallas, Right: Sydni

Yup Sirree, that's all me right there!!! lol

I have always been inspired to write a blog.  I have old classmates with their own fancy spin on motherhood and life.  You know, the overachieving individuals that make us all look HORRIBLE!  Well, I said enough is enough!  It's time for me...

to stick up for all the mommies out there who don't have the time or patience to be {Perfect}!
So I am beginning this blog today for us typical moms!

(I love you I really do this is all in fun and play!)

Basically my blog will be dedicated to mothers like myself who aren't flowing in cash, who may not have the time to do over-the-top things all of the time, and who need a few tips on how I run things.

I will give tips for people with Realistic Time, Realistic Money, and are in Realistic Situations.

So PLEASE stay tuned and SUBSCRIBE!!!

Ily ALL! Be Blessed :-*